
Tonya Embry Obituary, Death Cause – Tonya M. Bickett Embry is the person responsible for the work. On October 23, 2023, Tonya M. Bickett Embry passed away. She was 39 years old at the time of her passing and had spent her whole life in Owensboro. She received her high school graduation from Trinity High School in the year 2003 after being born in the city of Owensboro and completing her high school studies there. After that, she returned to the University of Brescia, where she had done her undergraduate work, and earned a bachelor’s degree there.

Tonya spent a major chunk of her professional life working for the United States Bank. Her tenure there extended a large portion of her life. She formerly held a position at the Wendell Foster Center, where she worked for a significant length of time in the past as an employee there. Reading, making crafts and jewelry, going hiking, and going for walks and treks were some of Tonya’s favorite activities to do in her spare time. She also enjoyed going for walks and treks.

Her paternal grandparents, Anselm and Elizabeth Bickett, as well as her maternal grandparents, Joseph R. and Evelyn Howard, all passed away before she was born. In addition to her, her sister Stephanie Bickett had already passed away at the time she did, so she was preceded in death by both of them. Tonya is survived by her husband Bradley Embry; children Layla, Ethan, and Madison Embry; her parents, H. Allen and Deborah A.

Bickett; siblings Eric Bickett (Misty), Mary Harrod (Robert Kincaid), and Jason Bickett (Lacey Bradford); her in-laws, Tommy and Sharon Embry; brother-in-law, Josh Embry; and many aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and cousins. The funeral service will be held at the Glenn Funeral Home and Crematory in Glenn on Monday, October 30, at twelve o’clock in the afternoon local time.

At the funeral home, the viewing is set to take place on Sunday from 2:00 PM until 7:00 PM, and then it is scheduled to take place once more on Monday from 10:00 AM until 12:00 PM. For the private interment that is going to take place, the Rosehill-Elmwood Cemetery is going to be the location that is utilized.
